A manifesto

Comfort for the Apocalypse is a call of encouragement for each of us to live our best possible life in impossible times.

It is writing, recipes, skills, and recommendations to encourage survival, inclusivity, and an alternative to the trajectory our world is on.

It embraces systems thinking and rejects conspiracies.

It promotes turning personal strengths into community service.

It imagines a different way of living, of showing up for each other, and getting by.

It’s one part hope, and one part a call to action for those who are waking up to their true home.

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One part hope, one part a call to action. Comfort for the Apocalypse is regular essays, recipes and recommendations for those trying to live their best possible life in impossible times.


Writer, weaver, and fiddle-player on Gabriola Island, BC (Snuneymuxw territory). I am an essayist interested in how we create human-scale lives in an oversized world.