this piece really moved me to tears Megan. Thank you for writing and sharing it. and that coat is AMAZING! I send you loads of love.

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Beautiful expression of a soul and an island in grief. Lovely.

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Beautifully written Megan💕you have captured the feelings in words, so very well.

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I wish I could give you a great big hug. Thanks for the tip on Nettle tea! And lovely jacket!

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Megan, I can really feel your feelings regarding living on an island and being part of the community. That is so precious. You are such an inspiring writer, Megan. And.... I love your reversible coat!

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Megan, I'm sorry for your loss and that of your fellow islanders. This piece is such a beautiful and powerful read, very sensorily evocative, I feel magically transported into your world and seasonal routine over my breakfast coffee. And, that coat is dynamite!

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